培養跨領域整合型管理人才 - 全台起薪最高的管理學群研究所

Electronic Commerce Program


網際網路已為下世紀重要發展驅勢之一,其中電子商務(Electronic Commerce–EC) 乃至於跨企業間之電子化供應鍊管理(Supply Chain Management)已成為目前產業電子化的重點。
Internet has been an indispensable part for the business in the new era, among which Electronic Commerce (EC) and cross-enterprise communication and coordination have become the keys of almost every industry.
This program will train the students to understand the business models of e-business from a management point of view, and learn its impact and influence to business & industry. Through coordination with Computer Science and many departments and institutes, this program aims to help the students to become familiar with issues in electronic commerce.
‧學程規畫共需修15學分。 『電子商務專題』將為本學程特色課程,將與產業界合作,此課必須修完電子商務及A類管理與B類資訊技術課程至少各一門課後方可選修。在課程設計上,擬邀請 產業界介紹成功案例與經驗,並提供學生電子商務專題題目,學生以分組方式在產業界與教授的共同指導下完成一實務專題。
‧This program is mainly open to junior/senior. This program aims to help the students to understand the basic concepts, development and applications of EC, and enhance the basic training in management and Computer Science technology.
'Special Topics in EC' is the capstone course of the program. It will invite the industry companies to introduce successful cases and experiences. Under the guidance of the professor and the industry companies, students have to complete the case study in groups.
Latest update:20171121
‧學程規劃共需修15學分,須含A類及B類課程。 若選擇修習同質性課程,則從同質性課程中擇一門修習即可。如:甲生欲選擇行銷相關課程,可從:科管所/工工系所開設之行銷管理及科管所開設之網路行銷選擇一門修課即可。
‧學程應修科目至少有九學分不屬於學生主修、輔系或其他學程應修之科目 (意即至少有9學分不屬於學生本系必修及專業選修科目、雙學位、輔系或其他學程應修之科目)
‧Students need to complete 15 credits,both A Group and B Group courses must be included. For similar courses (e.g. marketing courses), students can choose one of them.
‧Special Topics in EC' is the capstone course of the program and will cooperate with industry companies. Before taking this course, students have to complete EC course and at least one A Group (management) course and one B Group (CS technology) course.
‧At least 9 credits do not count toward the student's major, minor or required courses of other programs.
Latest update:20171121


開課系所 課程名稱 學分數
工工系/服科所 電子商務/數位創新與電子商務 3
服科所 企業流程創新與電子化企業管理 3
科法所 網際網路與法律 3
計財系 財務管理 3
工工系 專利分析與智財管理 3
工工系 智慧化企業整合 3
工工系 物流管理 3
科管所/工工系/經濟系 行銷管理 任選1
科管所 行銷研究方法
科管所 晶片系統行銷管理
科管所 網路行銷
科管所 科技行銷


開課系所 課程名稱 學分數
工工系 程式設計與應用 3
資工系 JAVA語言(102起未開設) 2
工工系 電子商務網站管理 (108起未開設) 3
資工系 Web程式設計、技術與應用 (108起未開設) 3
‧ 「電子商務」原列必修,106下起改列選修,適用修習此學分學程的同學
‧ 課程會有變動(增、刪),各學期選課時,請依課程備註內之標示,分辨是否所修習課程為此學分學程所屬課程
‧ 課程備註內會列出與該學程相關之課程資訊(如下圖),若未標示,代表該課程該學期不屬於此學分學程

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‧ 應屆畢業生於《畢業時(約 6 月中旬)》或 《畢業後》申請
‧ 畢業前送件者,須等學期末成績到齊,始可申請

‧ 證書申請表►按此下載
‧ 正式成績單(請將修習科目以螢光筆特別畫記)